Lynna's blog

Catatan harian seorang gadis

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Konnichiwa minna! Today i want to share my hijab cosplay as Aerith Gainsborough. This is my second Final Fantasy hijab cosplay. I like Aerith in Crisis Core game. I ship Zack x Aerith. Because i'm really sad about their tragic love story, i cosplayed as her. i didn't make Aerith's dress. I'm just using my pink dress that makes looks like Aerith. The dress is not same with Aerith's. Because i don't have enough time and money to make the dress. This is my low budget cosplay. I just made flowers, bracelet, and ribbon. I made flowers from origami paper.

Hope you guys enjoy my cosplay version ^^

Aerith hijab version
Hijab Cosplay Final Fantasy
Aerith Gainsborough Hijab
Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII

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Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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